Environmental responsibility = a given

Ecological behaviour, living in harmony with nature, without plundering raw materials, but also the daily actions of each one of us, are important so that our children also have something to protect.
That's a given!
Choice of responsible partners
We do not focus our efforts only on what we can contribute in environmentally responsible actions. We give preference and advantage to business partners who follow the same path. Among the most important is the choice of carriers and we are therefore sympathetic to their efforts in the form of SPS - E Transit, the pursuit of green logistics with PPL or DHL - Green Logistics.
- ParcelShop, Parcelbox, Alzabox, Balíkovo, Z-box, Packeta expenditure - places that make delivery more efficient, eliminating unnecessary trips for recipients who are not at a private address. These are all pieces to the puzzle of environmental responsibility. We support these activities and you can find them with us for free or at a discounted price.
* Names of storage locations of transport companies:
ParcelShop, Parcelbox - PPL (DHL)
AlzaBox, Parcelshop (Balíkovo) - SPS
Z-Box, Packeta expenditure - Packeta
Packaging material, recycling
The best recycling is reuse, and from local sources doubly so. By working with local companies, we try to use packaging material that would ideally go to direct paper recycling. By using quality packaging material we save nature but also energy resources from premature material recycling.
We feel a responsibility for the environment we have inherited, which surrounds us and which we have to pass on to our children. Therefore, every step of our company's development goes hand in hand with the idea of the smallest possible polluting ecological footprint.
... and, above all, we take a proactive approach to recycling packaging material. That's why not all the packaging you receive from us will be 100% new; it has probably already come some way, but it can still do its service. It is certainly not financially advantageous for us to provide, control and store this packaging, but it has been against our minds from the beginning to throw away functional packaging. We know that a new box printed with our logo would bring us a lot of marketing points, but that was the moment we said NO!
Waste sorting
The best waste is that which is not generated at all. We prevent waste from the very moment we choose the work processes and the materials needed to do it. If the materials can no longer be reused, then recycling comes into play.
By sorting waste, we help to save primary resources, energy and the environment. We enable their further processing, recycling. If waste is not separated at source, recycling is not possible.
Support for brownfield redevelopment
Every year we read and see with our own eyes how much it costs to take new arable land to build new production and storage facilities. Paradoxically, we are surrounded by unused and neglected, often contaminated land that is literally begging to be restored to its function. We favour a sensitive approach to agricultural land and therefore support the restoration of these unused areas.
Promotion of renewables*, secondary sources and cogeneration
In proportion to the cost of electricity consumption, we support a wide range of renewable and secondary energy sources. We are honoured and proud that, with our significant contribution, projects are being created that contribute to the transition to a zero-emission life for everyone.
* In each EU country, renewable energy schemes are called differently
Czech Republic: RES, RES, CHP
Germany: EEG (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz)
Austria: EAG (Erneuerbaren Ausbau Gesetz)
France: EnR (Énergies renouvelables)
Slovakia: RES (Renewable Energy Sources)
Audit of internal processes
As part of the annual audit of internal processes, one of the evaluation criteria for process optimisation is the aspect of environmental sustainability. Every year, in view of technological developments and the changing legal framework, new opportunities open up for us to make our work more efficient and, for example, more environmentally friendly. Whether it is logistics optimisation, elimination of printing, toner refurbishment, communication with the authorities, automatic tax document management or fleet management.