Yan Bittman
Yan Bittman
Camera Lenses Specialist

"The mount adapters make it possible to connect different types of lenses to almost all available DSLRs and mirrorless cameras. The reason for this is to run, for example, older lenses on modern digital bodies for creative work. Retro lenses lack some types of optical adjustments and with such a lens you will bring an interesting spirit to your work. The reason for linking incompatible devices is often a specific requirement for the unique features of the lens or camera, and such a link is a solution to bring two disparate pieces of technology together. Manual mount adapters do not allow the transfer of communication between the camera body and the lens. With older lenses, there is virtually nothing to transmit, so it doesn't matter. It usually does not matter when used for video production. Electronic, automatic mount adapters allow the lens to be handled as if it were on the original body, autofocus can be used, setting data is transferred, aperture settings work, TTL works. However, you will almost always encounter some limitations, depending on firmware updates to the lens-reduction-body, or the technological capabilities of the equipment."

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